thentos-tests- Test infrastructure for thentos-*

Safe HaskellNone




test users

addTestUser :: Int -> Action Void s (UserId, UserFormData, User)

Add a single test user (with fast scrypt params) from testUsers to the database and return it.

initializeTestUsers :: Action Void s [(UserId, UserFormData, User)]

Create a list of test users (with fast scrypt params), store them in the database, and return them for use in test cases.

Sample data for making services, contexts, and personas


withLogger :: IO a -> IO a

withLogger' :: IO a -> IO a

Run an action, logging everything with DEBUG level to ./everything.log.

withNoisyLogger' :: IO a -> IO a

this is a workaround for the fact that log file contents is not included in the output of failing test cases. If you replace the call to withLogger with one ot withNoisyLogger in a test, everything will go to stderr immediately.

FIXME: include log contents in failing test cases.

FIXME: while we are at it, it would be really cool (and not that hard) to provide a log handler that logs into a Chan, and expose the Chan to the tests. that would make it easy to use log file contents to formulate tests.

_withLogger :: Bool -> IO a -> IO a

withWebDriver :: WD r -> IO r

withWebDriver' :: WD r -> IO r

Start and shutdown webdriver on localhost:4451, running the action in between.

withWebDriverAt' :: String -> Int -> WD r -> IO r

Start and shutdown webdriver on the specified host and port, running the action in between.

withFrontend' :: HttpConfig -> ActionState -> IO r -> IO r

Start and shutdown the frontend in the specified HttpConfig and with the specified DB, running an action in between.

withBackend' :: HttpConfig -> ActionState -> IO r -> IO r

Run a hspec-wai Session with the backend Application.

withFrontendAndBackend' :: String -> (ActionState -> IO r) -> IO r

Sets up DB, frontend and backend, creates god user, runs an action that takes a DB, and tears down everything, returning the result of the action.

set up state

createActionState :: String -> ThentosConfig -> IO ActionState

Create an ActionState with a connection to an empty DB and the specified config.

createDb :: String -> IO (Pool Connection)

Create a connection to an empty DB.

FIXME: the tests shouldn't have to pick a database name. it should work like withLogger in that it finds a free suitable database name, and garbage-collects the database when the test is done.


decodeLenient :: FromJSON a => LBS -> Either String a

Like decode but allows all JSON values instead of just objects and arrays.

FIXME: upgrade to aeson >= 0.10 and use eitherDecode instead of this: See 4b370592242d4e4367ca46d852109c3927210f4b. for this to work, we need to either upgrade pronk (criterion in particular) benchmarking or, preferably, factor it out into a separate package.

(..=) :: ST -> ST -> Pair

This is convenient if you have lots of string literals with -XOverloadedStrings but do not want to do explicit type signatures to avoid type ambiguity.