thentos-core- The swiss army knife of privacy-preserving identity management

Safe HaskellNone




content types

type HTM = PrettyHTML

Html content type with pretty printing. (See also: package servant-blaze.)

renderHTM :: Html -> LBS

data PrettyHTML


frontend actions

session state

data ServiceLoginState

If a user comes from a service login and is sent to the "register with a new service" page because no valid ServiceAccount exists in thentos, an extra round of indirection is required (the user is confronted with the service details and must say "yes, i want to register", "share this-and-that data", etc.). There may be further extra rounds for logging in to thentos or registering with thentos. This type is used to store the information from the service login request in FrontendSessionData until all these steps have been taken.




_fslServiceId :: ServiceId
_fslRR :: RelativeRef

e.g. servicelogin?... FIXME: give fslRR a better name. something that explains the meaning of where it is pointing.

data FrontendMsg

If we want to communicate information from the last request to the user in the next one, we need to stash it in the state. This is the type for that.

fslRR :: Lens' ServiceLoginState RelativeRef