
We take care to make all strings in the code (like texts on buttons, headlines that don't come from django models, ...) translatable.

The translations for the main branch are done in transifex. If you want to translate A+ into your language, please get in touch: info [at] liqd [dot] net

Transifex installation and configuration

Install the transifex client if you haven't already

  • see for instructions

Register on transifex and become member of Liquid Democracy projects

  1. register on Transifex website with your email of
  2. Make your profile public by visiting My profile, scroll down to Privacy section and check the box Make my profile accessible by anyone (public)
  3. visit Liquid Democracy projects on transifex, choose Adhocracy+ and click on Join this project
  4. Ping a colleague who is already member of the transifex liqd organisation to accept your request, e.g your fellow developer.
  5. Generate an API token from your profile. Save the token somewhere, preferably in your vaultwarden account, as you will be asked to provide it later. Visit official documentation here

Transifex local configuration

the adhocracy-plus repository includes the .tx/config file, so no initialization of transifex or other configuration is required from you.

Work locally to generate translations:

From within adhocracy-plus directory, run make install to pull the relative adhocracy4 dependency that should be included for translations

Push new source strings to transifex

Create new branch and generate message files with the new strings added during development with:

make po

Test that new messages compile without any errors with:

make mo

Push updated source file with new strings to transifex to be be translated (Note: commented out strings will not be ignored by transifex, but handled as normal source strings, so remove them before from source files)

tx push
NOTE: you will be asked to provide your API token, which then will be saved in a local file, whose location will be indicated in the terminal. For future authenitcations, you will need to provide it when pushing, or add it as enviroment variable in your terminal profile.

Commit and push your branch to github

Pull new translations from transifex

Once translations have been added on transifex, create branch and force pull all translations from transifex (force is needed because the time stamps cause errors)

tx pull -af

Since translations files pulled from transifex have slightly different format, run

make po

to standardise. Test that new messages compile without any errors

make mo

Then commit and push translations to github

Translations have been added locally (DE)

Sometimes it is necessary to add DE translations directly in the .po files and not through transifex. This method ensures no translations from DE or other languages are overwritten and the DE translation are also added to transifex. Create branch and ensure that all new strings are in source file

make po

Test that new messages and locally added translations compile without any errors

make mo

Push updated source file with new strings to transifex to be be translated (again, remember to first remove commented out strings from source files)

tx push -s

Force push locally added DE translations

tx push -t -f -l de

After transifex has all the translations you can then force pull and get any new translations without risk of over-writing local german ones.

tx pull -af

Extra translations in a branch or fork

When A+ is used as the basis for another project, it is important to keep the translations from the main branch separated to be able to overwrite or add new translations to the fork, but also keep up with new strings and translations from the main branch.

Enable fork-specific translations

The message files for the main branch are created by make po When the settings in are untouched, this will create new message files in the locale-source folder, where they can be translated and/or pushed to transifex like explained above. make po will also translate the English strings by themselves, meaning that in the en folder, all missing msgstr are filled with the text from the corresponding msgid.

When a new project is created by forking or branching, only the translations in the locale-fork folder should be changed, so that old translations can be kept and the fork is profiting from new translations or translation fixes when it is rebased onto the main branch. To create the new translations, go to the base settings and uncomment the first path (os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'locale-fork/locale')) in LOCALE_PATHS. Now, make po creates message files in the locale-fork folder and uses the translations from this folder first, whenever the messages are compiled. Here, the English translations are kept untranslated, so that they could be used to overwrite strings.

Mark fork-specific translations for translators

There are two options to mark the strings for translators: 1. By comments, that are displayed to translators. Django docs on comments for translaters - in python code - and in templates 2. By using the context of the translations. Django docs on contextualizing translations - [in python code]]( - in templates - and in js

We recommend option 1 because that is more easily changed back if the strings to translate happen to end up in the upstream repo. As of now, there is no option to add these translator comments in JavaScript code, so these have to be marked with the context option if needed.

Adding additional languages

To Wagtail CMS pages

Add the language to the CMS page models that you require them for. If translations are only needed for legal pages such as Data Protection ect. then only add language to SimplePage model as this is the page type used for all legal information. In add new language to either the TranslatedField (to enable translations for all CMS page types) or TranslatedFieldLegal to just include it for SimplePages. When adding to all page types add fallback descriptions to settings/

To rest of site

Add additional language to Update tests.