Django shell basics

To start the django shell, first activate your virtual environment, which should be installed inside your project folder

source venv/bin/activate

If you are working on a server, which was set up as described in the installation docs, the virtualenv is started with

su aplus

cd ~/adhocracy-plus

workon aplus

or in other environments you might need to specify the path to where your python is installed.

Then start the django shell

python shell

Importing models

You can access objects of your models by first importing the model and then accessing the objects that are stored in your database. For instance to get all projects (the project model is imported from adhocrady4), do

from adhocracy4.projects.models import Project


Retrieving objects and manipulating them

To get a specific project, you can get it by the id of the project, as this is the primary key

project = Project.objects.get(id=$myProjectId)

You could also get it by the name of the project, but since the name is not unique, this might raise an error if there are several projects with the same name. To do so, type

project = Project.objects.get(name=$myProjectName)

You can then access all model fields of your objects, e.g. to get the name of the project, type

If the field you are accessing is an object itself, you can then access this object. For instance to get the project name of an idea, do

from apps.ideas.models import Idea

idea = Idea.objects.first()

This gives you the first idea. Ideas have the field module and a module belongs to project. Thus you get the project name by

You can also change the values of fields, e.g. to change the name of a project do = 'my new project name'

You can also call any method that is defined on the model, e.g. to get the url of you project


To see all available fields and methods on your project, type:



You can filter the objects of your model by specific characteristics, e.g. you could filter all ideas that belong to the same project:

project_ideas = Idea.objects.filter(module__project=project)

project_ideas is a queryset, to see all objects it contatins, type


You can also loop through a queryset. To print the names of you project_ideas queryset, do

for idea in project_ideas.all(): print(